Vi tror att det bästa sättet att verkligen bryta den onda kretsgången för utnyttjade kvinnor och flickor och skapa varaktig förändring, är att erbjuda utbildning genom skol- och yrkesutbildning.
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Out of Ashes is a ministry project of Touching Asia NGO that was started in order to fight human trafficking. In February 2009, Håkan Gabrielsson visited two Badi villages in western Nepal for the first time where he and ministry partners met many women and children and saw their extreme poverty and social vulnerability. They realised that most of the girls and women, if not all, within a few years would be abused and sexually exploited. Because of the caste system, poverty and their cultural background they have no real chance in life, but are born into slavery of being sexually abused. It was sickening to hear stories of rape, coercion, exploitation and the selling of young girls, and realise that this ethnic group from birth was bound to this life. The question arose; what could be done to stop this exploitation? In this way the thought of starting hostels and prevent the abuse was born. Many people responded to the need and funds was raised to start girls homes/safe homes.